Our Object Lesson Chapel

Jesus Forgives our Sins!


K: When we sin, it breaks our relationship with God, but if we accept His wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, we are restored to Him again.


I: Watch our magic trick to help remind you.


***Person doing trick talks it through as they do it.

–Show the rope is solid.

–Put the two ends together.

–secret move. Find the bottom. Secretly switch the loop (hidden).

–cut the secret loop. (Sin breaks the relationship with God.)

–carefully bring down the two ends

–hold tight. Tie knot with tiny secret piece of rope. (Jesus’ death, burial, and Resurrection provide salvation from our sin! We are brought back into relationship with God through His sacrifice!)

–Pull the knot off. The rope is solid!


I and K: Bible verse



About Cherie Blessing

My name is Miss Blessing, and I would like to welcome you to our class blog! Teaching is the calling of my heart, and I hope to set an example of tenacious engagement in learning this year. Let the Great Adventure begin!

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