Faraday Electricity Presentation!

Faraday Presentation



Sewing in Math–Parabolic Curves


I learned that you can make lots of different designs with just a few nails, some string, and a board.  Math is in it when you go from one at the top to one at the bottom, two at the top to two at the bottom, and then when you get to ten at the top and the bottom, it makes the curve.

Person in a Pouch: Amelia Earhart

karis1 karis2

My Big Trip

Once when we just got to Moffet Beach Campground, I saw my older brother walking on wet, green, and slippery logs.

I decided to do it too.  When I was on the last log, I slipped and fell on a little broken branch.  I carefully lifted myself up and went in the camper where my mom was.  The moment I saw it, I cried.

Then I went to the ER with Dad and Meemow.  At the hospital, they had to spray cold water in it.  They also let me watch TV for five minutes.  When they were done, they asked me what color bandage I wanted.  I chose purple.  They also told me that I could only take showers.  It stunk not being able to swim.

After awhile, it got better.

My Half Tree

My half tree is only half.

It is a tree with only half of its parts of hat.

Its hat is tears onto its trunk.

It is like a camper inside its own bunk.

Now let me end my description of my half tree’s friction

With the sky and the moon and stars.


Chicken:  Bak!

Person:  What was that?

Chicken:  Bak!

Person:  Was it a bat?

Chicken:  Bak!

Person:  Where is it?

Chicken:  Bak!

Person:  Is it in a pit?

Chicken:  Bak!

Person:  It’s totally creepy and totally scary!

Chicken:  Bak!

Person:  Oh, it’s a chicken eating a berry!

Chicken:  Bak-Bak-Bagock!

If You’re Not From Vermont

A form change poem

(with thanks to David Bouchard, “If You’re Not From the Prairie . . . )


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know the crickets in the woods,

You can’t know the crickets in our woods.

Their sound is sharper than sharp.

Crickets chirp like thunder at night.

When I walk the dog at night, it gives me fright.

They’re like the crack of thunder at midnight.

If you’re not from Vermont,

You just don’t know crickets.


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know the foxes.

Oh, those foxes!

They eat your chickens!

They’re vicious things!

They make a frightening bark

At your farm at night.

It’s terrible.


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know the heat in the summertime.

You can’t know the heat in the summertime.

It burns your skin until it falls off.

It’s so hot you can’t cool down no matter how hard you try.

Socks don’t help.

They only make you warmer.

If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know our heat.


You see,

My bangs are the tree branches sticking out.

My toes are its leaves stretching and stretching.

My legs are a rock, stiffer than stiff.

My eyes can see you for miles and miles.

I’ve seen an eagle’s nest far out.

I’ve climbed the mountains like Mount Lafayette.

My home is Vermont.

Baa, Baa Black Sheep (playing with the thesaurus)

Baa, baa dark ram,

Have you any curls?

Yes, ma’am, yes, ma’am,

Three backpacks heaping!

Un for my teacher,

Uno for my maid,

But zero for the small son

Who weeps in the road!


Grey is spiking smoke running to pierce my eyes.

Grey is thunderclouds waiting to scare my in my dream.

Grey is the crack of ashes in the fire.

Grey is the sourness of a starfruit to split my tongue open.

Grey is lonely and sad.

Grey is sleepiness in my happy dream.

Grey is my cat Spurgeon piercing our fingers with his claws.

Grey is my dad’s head when he shaves it.

Grey is lead-covered erasers

And a fuzzy elephant with its floppy ears.

Grey is a moldy apple,

A pheasant,

And an eagle.

Grey is a mouse, lint, ashes,

And old chewing gum smashed on the concrete in the sidewalk.

Grey is floppy puppy ears of a newborn puppy.

Grey is quietness in the dark night.

A Peek into my Reading Journal

I read Mark.  Mark is a really fun book.  I’m on chapter four.  The words love and Lord are in there a lot.  I like it so far.  I keep looking for a riddle I know in there, and it stinks because I haven’t found the riddle yet.  Phooey, phooey, phooey!  This is my fourth book of the Bible.  I have read Psalms, Matthew, and Song of Solomon too.  After this, I am planning to read Luke, then John, then Genesis, then Exodus, then Leviticus, and on and on.  I love the Bible!